Flexible Borescope Imaging

4mm Fiberscopes

4mm Fiberscopes

Fiberscopes for Jet engine inspections such as the PT-6 and JT-15D are commonly 4mm in diameter. The specification calls for either a 1 meter length, 1.3 or 1.5 meter length fiberscope. The light source is a Welch Allyn Solarc Metal Halide Light source that bulb is common to all manufacturers of their own box and ballast PC Board assembly. This patented super bright, highly focused white lighting system (5000 degree Kelvin) has been used for many years and superseded the previous more 3000 Degree Kelvin “Yellow” colored less expensive Halogen lights. The cost per unit is roughly 10x that of a Halogen, but the service life is also 10x.


Common to all are Tungsten Braid protective outer sheath, AMCI light guide adapter (Others available)

Length Articulation DOV FOV Fiber Count
1.0m 2 way ± 120° L/R 0°/90° 50° 12500
1.3m 2 way ± 120° L/R 0°/90° 50° 12500
1.5m 2 way ± 120° L/R 0°/90° 50° 12500
2.0m 2 way ± 120° L/R 0°/90° 50° 12500