6mm Fiberscopes

6mm Fiberscopes

The 6mm diameter Fiberscope applications are for those where a restricted diameter below 8mm is required. The bend radius is also smaller being that the diameter is smaller. These scopes are traditionally limited to 3 meters in length, with the most commonly sold length is standard 1 meter length (39″). The removable 90 degree prism tip option for side viewing is available on these models, this is far superior for critical applications beyond cheaper scopes that use a mirror for side viewing. Mirrors have the negative side of continuously needing cleaning as the light fiber bundle reflects on all micro particles of dust, and the magnification is high on these type of fiberscopes from the eyepiece. The Solarc Metal Halide light source is recommended as the tight sharp focus pin point light causes maximum light transmission into the light fiberoptic bundle to provide crystal clear imaging