Flexible Fiberscopes

Flexible Fiberscopes

Flexible Fiberscopes have quite a few different names that they are referred to as and also are known as Fiber Optic Borescopes, Fiberscopes, Flexiscopes, Fibre Optic Scopes and Fibrescopes. Using two different fiber optic “bundles” inside the insertion section of the flexible fiberscope> One is called a non-coherent image bundle which carries the light from the external light source to the tip of the scope where it exits and illuminates the object being inspected. The second and the more crucial is the image bundle called a coherent image bundle that has very tiny glass fibers only a few microns each in diameter with each strand of glass, all perfectly aligned from one end to the other in a honeycomb like pattern. The fibers range from 8000-30,000 depending upon resolution of the bundle and how it was manufactured. Flexible Fiberscopes are in need of proper care. Quite often careless handling can cause fibers to be broken- one common mistake is when someone is in a hurry after finishing an inspection and they put the scope back into it’s case and do not insure that the entire length of the scope is stored in the protective foam insert in the case. Then the user will close the case accidently without realizing that the insertion section was caught between the clamshell binding of the case- which then results in crushing the scope between the top and bottom of the case. If severally crush, the fiberscope will have numerous “black spots”, which are broken fibers. This very easy and seemingly innocent mistake- can result in very costly repairs. Fiberscopes have to cared for like that of an SLR camera, it isn’t something you can just toss around and be careless with. All optical equipment is designed to be very rugged, however mistakes such as described can be expensive to repair. Most flexible fiberscopes or fiberoptic scopes will eventually get damaged if not cared for closely or with multiple users in one company. It is the nature of the instrument, especially with the smaller diameter scopes.